Import and Export

The Import/Export section of the menu lets you import and export your current settings to a JSON file. You can also choose built-in presets to import.

A screenshot of the import and export menu options.

Table of contents

  1. Options
    1. Import settings
    2. Built-in presets
    3. Export settings
      1. Base keys
      2. clockConfig key
      3. fontConfig key
      4. colorTheme key
    4. QR Codes
      1. Exported QR code
      2. Scanning a QR code
    5. What isn’t exported?


Import settings

There are three methods of uploading your settings, either by uploading a JSON file, scanning a QR code, pasting in the JSON manually.

A screenshot of the import upload button and text field upload form.

After uploading your settings, Online Web Clock will automatically verify and load all of your settings.
For an insight into how the site encodes, decodes, and verifies JSON settings, refer to the code in the GitHub repository.

For more info on scanning and generating QR codes, refer to this section.

Built-in presets

The menu includes a few presets which you can import. They contain pre-configured settings for different themes and styles.

A screenshot of the built-in presets buttons.

You can also type the number next to the respective preset name to import it. For instance, you can press the number “1” on any screen to import the “AMOLED Theme” preset.

As they are not automatically preloaded, you may need an internet connection to load a preset if you are not serving the site locally and the presets are not already cached.

Export settings

You can export your currently selected settings to a JSON file by clicking the “Export” button, by copying the raw JSON data to your clipboard, or by generating a QR code.

A screenshot of the exporting buttons.

Base keys

Below is a table of the top-level keys in the settings JSON object:

Key Valid values Description
exportTimestamp string The timestamp of when the settings were exported
version 10 Hardcoded version number. Do not change.

clockConfig key

Below is a table of the subkeys of the clockConfig object and their valid values.

Subkey Valid values Description
clockMode cmo12, cmo24 The clock mode (12 or 24-hour)
clockDisplay binary, octal, decimal, hexa, emoji, roman, words, unixmillis, unixsec, unixcountdown, se_valentines, se_christmas, se_newyears, ii_christmas, ii_weekend, ii_leapyear Clock display system
secondsVis sviD, sviN Whether to display the seconds
dateFormat D, DD, DDD, DDDD, unset Format token for the date
dateAlign dpoL, dpoC, dpoR Alignment of the date
borderMode btyD, btyR, btyB Type of border, such as bottom, box, or disabled
borderStyle solid, dashed, dotted, double Style of the border
timebar tbarWeekday, tbarMonth, tbarDay, tbarHour, tbarSec, tbarNone Type of time bar display
customNote string Custom note text to display
customNoteAlign nalT, nalB Alignment of the custom note

For more info on these settings, see Date and Time.

fontConfig key

Below is a table of the subkeys of the fontConfig object and their valid values.

Subkey Valid values Description
fontFamily unset, <Font name> Font family to set
fontStyle fsR, fsI Font style (Normal or Italic)
fontWeight fweL, fweN, fweB Font weight (Light, Normal, or Bold)
fontSize 6vw, 8vw, 10vw, 12vw, 14vw, 18vw Font size
dropShadow <Integer from 0 to 10> Size of the drop shadow
strokeWidth <Integer from 1 to 5> Width of the stroke
strokeColor unset, <Hexadecimal color value> Color of the stroke

For more info on these settings, see Font Customization.

colorTheme key

Below is a table of the subkeys of the colorTheme object and their valid values.

Subkey Valid values Description
colorMode fademode, solidmode, imgmode Color mode setting
solidColor <Hexadecimal color value> Background color for Solid mode
textColorMode tcovD, tvovO Whether text color override is enabled
textColorValue <Hexadecimal color value> Text color value
bgImage unset, <Image URI> Background image URI scheme
bgImageSize unset, auto, cover, stretch Background image sizing
bgImageBlur unset, <Integer from 0 to 10> Background image blur size

For more info on these settings, see Background Theme.

QR Codes

Settings can be exported as a QR code, which can then be scanned from the Import settings section to import them back.

Exported QR code

A Bootstrap modal with a QR code in its body.

Scanning a QR code

A screenshot of the QR code scanner.

QR codes have a maximum capacity of 3KB of data. If your JSON export exceeds this limit—for example, if you have a background image set—the QR code cannot be generated.

What isn’t exported?

  1. Time Zone
  2. Time Refresh Method
  3. Custom Font
  4. Color Transition length
  5. Weather widget settings (Use URL Parameters to set these automatically)
  6. Display Options (Use URL Parameters to set these automatically)

Why? Not all settings are meant to be exported. For instance, the time zone is set automatically based on your system settings, and not all custom fonts are available on everyone’s device.

For Display Options specifically, they are meant to be tailored to your own preferences and device requirements and are not designed to be exported as a result.

Additionally, you can’t (and shouldn’t) export your weather settings as they contain your API key and precise location, which should obviously be kept private!