URL Parameters

In Online Web Clock, you can use URL Parameters to directly pass options into the site on load. This is useful for deploying the site to an embedded device to ensure settings are consistent.

Table of contents

  1. URL Parameter list
    1. Base URL Parameters
      1. MORE INFO
    2. Weather widget parameters
    3. Weather widget positioning

URL Parameter list

Base URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
debugMode boolean Enables debug logging and Debugging menu options
darkMode boolean Enables dark mode
fastRefresh boolean Enables fast refresh mode (1ms update interval)
Only applicable when using Legacy Refresh method
panelVis boolean Toggles panel buttons visibility
preset filename Load the <filename> JSON preset file from /assets/
tabTitle boolean Toggles tab title clock display
autoRestart integer Refreshes the page after <integer> seconds (min 15, max 86400)
lockSettings boolean Prevents end-user settings modification


How do I load my custom preset file? Download or build the site, and serve locally. You can place your own preset JSON files in the /assets/ directory, then specify the filename in the URL parameter!

What purpose does autoRestart serve? When set to an integer within 15 and 86400 inclusive (15 seconds to 24 hours), the page will start a background timer to reload the page after the specified duration. This ensures the page is up-to-date and maintains a stable internet connection.

What does lockSettings do? When this parameter is set to true, the entire menu container and panel buttons are deleted from the DOM. This ensures the end-user cannot change any settings after the page is deployed.

For deployment, the following parameters are recommended: ?preset=<filename>&autoRestart=<integer>&lockSettings=true

Example: ?darkMode=true&panelVis=false&tabTitle=false&preset=onlinewebclock-amoled-preset loads the onlinewebclock-amoled-preset preset file, enables the dark theme, hides the panel buttons, and disables the tab title.

Weather widget parameters

To enable the weather widget, all of the following parameters must be set:

Parameter Type Description
weatherApi string OpenWeatherMap API key
weatherLat float Latitude of the location
weatherLon float Longitude of the location
weatherUnits string Units to use for weather data (metric or imperial)

Example: ?weatherApi=API_KEY&weatherLat=40.7128&weatherLon=-74.0060&weatherUnits=imperial would load the weather widget with the specified API key, using imperial units, and the coordinates of New York City.

Weather widget positioning

To set a custom position offset for the weather widget, the weather widget must be enabled via the parameters above! The default position, with no parameters set, is the bottom left corner of the screen.

Additionally, both parameters below must be set to position the widget:

Parameter Type Description
weatherWidgetPosX integer Horizontal offset of the weather widget (in pixels) from the left edge of the screen
weatherWidgetPosY integer Vertical offset of the weather widget (in pixels) from the top edge of the screen

Example: ?weatherWidgetPosX=10&weatherWidgetPosY=10 would position the widget 10 pixels from the left and 10 pixels from the top.