
The Debugging section in the menu panel gives you many debug/testing options to help with development. This section is only visible when the debugMode URL parameter is set to true.

When debugMode is set to true, debug logging will also be enabled. See URL Parameters.

A screenshot of the Debugging menu options.

Table of contents

  1. Options
    1. Debug info
    2. Dev Colors
    3. Settings
    4. Toasts


Debug info

This section currently displays your User Agent string and may be updated to display other information in the future.

A screenshot of the Debug info User Agent text.

Dev tip

The User Agent string shown above is of Chrome running on Windows 11.

Dev Colors

When Solid mode is enabled, the Dev Colors section lets you choose a color from a list of hidden preset colors.

Here are the list of dev colors:

  • #27262B - Jekyll Dark
  • #232327 - Firefox Dark
  • #282828 - Chrome Dark
  • #1F1F1F - GitHub Dark
  • #232327 - VS Code Dark
  • #2B2B2C - Windows Dark
  • #212529 - Bootstrap Dark 1
  • #313539 - Bootstrap Dark 2

These specific colors were sourced from different UI elements from their respective applications.
As for Jekyll Dark, it matches this website’s dark theme color so screenshots with that background color will blend in with the site.

As these colors are intended for testing purposes only, they cannot be imported back into Online Web Clock and will return a verification error when uploaded.


The two options in this section are for debugging settings exports, specifically to check for any anomalies in the exported JSON data.

A screenshot of the Settings debugging options.

The “Log JSON” button exports the current settings in JSON format to the console. This is useful for checking exported JSON without having to download the file.

A screenshot of the Settings "Log JSON" console output.

The “View Raw JSON” button visually shows you what the exported JSON data looks like in a Bootstrap modal. This is useful for viewing the JSON data without having to download the file.

A screenshot of the Settings "View Raw JSON" modal.

The “Extract BG image” button extracts the current background image and shows it in a Bootstrap modal, allowing you to view it independently of other page elements and download it, if you wish.

A screenshot of the Settings "Extract BG image" Bootstrap modal.


These buttons let you test the toast notifications and their different themes.

A screenshot of the Toasts debugging options.

When clicked, the buttons will spawn a Toastify toast with the corresponding theme. The default duration of 3 seconds is used.

A screenshot of the Toasts debugging options.