
The stopwatch panel allows you to start a stopwatch and record lap times.

A screenshot of the stopwatch panel item, highlighted in red and with a tooltip showing with the text "Stopwatch"

Table of contents

  1. Layout


A screenshot of the stopwatch panel. The time shown is 00:00:15.801. The stopwatch is currently running.

  1. Time display
    • This shows the time elapsed on the stopwatch. It is displayed in the format of hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds.
    • The font family is locked to Ubuntu Mono, as to keep the time display width consistent while the stopwatch is running.
  2. Control buttons
    • Start: Starts or resumes the stopwatch if it is not already running.
    • Pause: Pauses the stopwatch if it is currently running.
    • Reset: Stops and resets the stopwatch to 00:00:00.000.
    • Lap: Records the current time as a lap time.
  3. Lap history
    • This shows a list of all the lap times recorded by the stopwatch.
    • You can add new times by clicking the Lap button.
    • You can resize the lap history window by dragging the bottom right corner.

    The format of each lap is #Index: Time since last lap - Total time elapsed.

The stopwatch will continue to run until manually stopped or reset.